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Comedians Andrew Ivimey and Diana McCallum (creators of, break down a different superhero movie or TV show every week, hilariously highlighting everything you never noticed in your favorite franchises.

Produced by Andrew Ivimey for The From Superheroes Network.

Nominated for ten Canadian Podcast Awards, including:

Best Television & Film Podcast (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
Best Host (2018, 2019, 2020)
Outstanding Production for a Series (2022)
People's Choice Award for Best Podcast in Canada (2019)


Jan 15, 2018

We're talking about the complete first season of Runaways. We talk about if these kids will ever really run away, how one of these plot lines is not like the others, who is the show about and is Gert the worst (yes Gert is definitely the worst).

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